
Asian rugs: what are the reasons for their success in modern interior design?

Asian rugs, in both traditional and contemporary versions, are a true art form typical of various parts of the Orient.

For centuries, rugs have been an important part of the daily life and culture of the various Asian populations. Originating as multi-purpose objects that protected and warmed the tents of nomadic tribes, over time they have evolved into primarily decorative elements. Today, with their exquisite quality and enchanting design, Asian rugs can embellish the most luxurious and well-kept homes.

Everything you need to know about Asian rugs

Within the large and diverse group of rugs made on the Asian continent, we find artefacts produced in different geographical areas, each characterised by particular types of workmanship or distinctive designs. On the other hand, all Asian rugs have in common the fact that they are produced in an artisanal manner.

Traditionally, carpet making was entrusted to village women, who played the role of designers and craftswomen. In the ancient pieces, the design to be created on the pile was decided during the knotting process and the women took inspiration from natural landscapes or scenes from everyday life.

The use of specific decorative motifs is one of the aspects that allow the identification of the area of origin of antique Oriental rugs. When talking about Asian rugs, one can in fact refer to products made in different countries. Persian patterns  are the most common and often prestigious. They are loved above all for the richness of their designs, but Turkish, Indian and Chinese rugs also fall into this category.

It is precisely the complexity of the designs reproduced on the carpet that is one of the most important parameters among all those used to evaluate an Asian carpet. Generally speaking, the more complex and detailed the design of the artefact, the higher its value.

When considering Asian rugs, one should not only look at their outward appearance. The different functions the carpet can perform are also an element to be valued. In the tents and homes of Asian peoples, rugs performed various functions: there were prayer rugs, those used to cover and insulate the floor, those hung on the walls and those used as saddles or for wrapping and transporting possessions.

In contemporary times, Asian rugs mainly serve a decorative function, but knowing the history and peculiarities of Oriental artefacts is always a great help in exploiting all their qualities in an interior design project.

Which Asian carpet to choose for home decoration?

Asian rugs from different geographical areas differ from each other in many ways. The design of the carpet is certainly the first aspect that jumps out at you, but there are other differences that are important to know.

In the different countries where the art of carpet making has spread, various processing techniques and specialisations have developed and left their mark. The way the yarn is knotted in the warp is one of the main differences between rugs made in Iran and those made in Turkey.

The shape, the materials used and the thickness of the rugs also allow Asian rugs to be identified and are elements that interior designers can refer to when they have to choose which model of carpet to use in a given furnishing context.

If a small or elongated carpet is needed to furnish a hallway or entrance hall, Tibetan and Nepalese prayer rugs could be considered. If, on the other hand, one wanted to complete the furnishings of a large and bright living room, one could decide to insert a large, colourful rug of Persian manufacture into the space. These are just a few of many possible examples.

What is the place of Oriental rugs in modern interior design?

Asian rugs have the great advantage of being very versatile and also very durable. Both antique and contemporary models can furnish all spaces in the home, including the busiest rooms.

The yarn most commonly used in Oriental rugs is in fact wool, which resists trampling very well, especially when it is offered in thick carpet patterns.

What else can be said about these splendid luxury artefacts? One can mention the fact that the versatility of Asian rugs allows one to decorate the home regardless of the furnishing style one has chosen. Decorators and interior designers can easily find a solution to match traditional or modern furniture. Between designs with a central medallion, abstract patterns and decorations that repeat along the entire surface of the carpet, it is possible to use rugs made in Asia to personalise and give a unique identity to every room in the house.

Finally, those who wish to give an even more special touch to their home can also request the creation of a custom-made Asian carpet.

Nodus creates prestigious rugs.
Bring luxury into your home!
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Nodus has reinvented the luxury rug. It was in fact the first brand to propose the concept of the rug as a work of contemporary art.
Nodus has always created exclusive products that furnish the most beautiful homes in the world. Do you want to make your home inimitable as a work of art?
Bring a hand knotted rug of the highest quality and design into the spaces of your daily life! Give your family and the people you love the beauty of a dream masterpiece! Every piece of Nodus is designed by famous Designers, making it recognisable and prestigious. In this way, each rug is unique: you will not find another one like it. Like all beautiful and unrepeatable things, one piece in the Nodus collection sets you apart and speaks to others about your taste and elegance. CONTACT US!

Andrea Galimberti

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